blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures

If I were to narrow it down to the most valuable thing that I learnt from our working holiday in Whistler, it would be gratitude. Although I had some understanding of what gratitude was, I had never truly practiced it. Gratitude: noun [mass noun]the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to…

go where you feel most alive

In the last twenty-four hours, I feel like I've entered a new chapter of my life, with feelings of relief and excitement. A chapter of movement, gratitude, travel and new goals astir. I've felt The travel bug growing exponentially in my belly and a strong craving for adventure; watch this space. Part 2/3 - the…

we must take adventures in order to know where we truly belong

I'm torn between going adventuring and pocketfuls of money. And in order to travel, I need pocketfuls of money, so I guess that's my first step. In Australia, particularly Adelaide, things are starting to open up again. For example, and most importantly, the gym reopens in less than forty-eight hours. Yeah, there's a bunch of…

alta lake + 23

Alike most, I am well and truly into the swing of self isolation and buying everything that pops up on my Instagram ads; obviously because I need it and I can't possibly live without. The only time that I am not at home is when I go to the grocery store for an "adventure". To…